Appearing in Just 1 Week at OhayoCon as a Fan Guest of Honor!
Happy New Year, Everyone!
It's great to be back for another year of exciting new cosplays, conventions, and general nerddom!

Normally I’d be saying “I can’t believe it’s 2019” but right now it’s more like “I can’t believe it’s already almost OhayoCon!!” I’ve been preparing the last few months with new cosplays and special content to bring to the show, and now that it’s only just a week away, I feel like I’m still totally not ready! But I get the feeling most cosplayers operate that way, hahaha. In any case, the convention schedule is finalized, and (hopefully) my cosplay lineup is too, so now I can share them with you!
This OhayoCon I will be doing a grand total of 6 hours of programming, plus appearing at opening and closing ceremonies! I have some great panels planned, from educational ones like my Intro to Fabrics for Cosplay panel, to more topical discussions, like Diversity in Cosplay. It will be my first time presenting these panels to such large audiences, so I hope I can provide insightful content for all the wonderful attendees! My panel schedule is as follows:
~Friday, January 11~
Working at the Most Magical Place on Earth 1:30p-2:30p in Panel 11 (rooms A122-123)
Diversity in Cosplay 6:30p-7:30p in Panel 12 (room A124)
~Saturday, January 12~
Fake It ‘til You Make It: Cosplay Hacks and Tricks 11:30a-12:30p in Panel 5 (Fayette room)
Intro to Competitive Cosplay Contests 3:00p-4:30p in Panel 10 (rooms A120-121)
~Sunday, January 13~
Intro to Fabrics for Cosplay 10:30a-12:00p in Panel 12 (room A124)
Scroll to the bottom of the blog for a handy card that you can save with all my panel times!

Additionally, when I’m not presenting panels, you should be able to catch me at my cosplay table in the exhibit hall. I will be selling prints as well as merchandise, like these super duper cool hats! Comfy, functional, AND stylish! I’ll also be there to answer any questions you may have about cosplay, as well as be available to take photos. And of course, autographs are free as always! Whenever I’m away doing panels, my wonderful assistant will be covering for me. Don’t worry, they're cool too, I checked their resume. ;P My table times follow the exhibit hall hours, so they are:
Friday: 2:00p-8:00p Saturday: 10:00a-6:00p Sunday: 10:00a-4:00p
OhayoCon 2019 is shaping up to be a really fun event, and I'm very humbled to have the honor of guesting there. It is always a great pleasure to share my knowledge and experiences with aspiring and experienced cosplayers and congoers. I can't wait to see you all there in just one week! Oh, and Happy New Year again! Let's make it a great one!