Momo's Art Has a New Home!
Hola cuties! If you've known me for cosplay, then it may or may not surprise you to know that I have another artistic passion- visual art! Mainly design and illustration, but I also dabble in some other types of art. I recently got back into doing more pieces, and wanted a central spot to showcase my plethora of works. Therefore, I have created an entire Instagram dedicated to my art, as well as added an Art tab to the site here, so you can view my portfolio of art, just like with my cosplays! Pardon the work I still have to do on the pages and galleries, I've only just set it up today, so they'll slowly transform into something more coherent and beautiful soon. ^_^

An original piece I designed as a decorative piece for my pastel aesthetic office - although the original piece was done in a mint color palette, this image still hangs above my desk, two years after I designed it!
I love sketching, doing line art, and to a lesser extent, coloring my pieces into bright and bubbly works. I really really am trying to get better at actually coloring my pieces, I historically used to have more sketches in queue for coloring, than I had finished and fully rendered drawings, ahaha. But thanks to my iPad (which I got about a year ago, but really got into for digital art within the past 3 months), I have been producing finished art at a faster rate than ever before! So I wanted to commemorate and share some of that work with you on my site here, as well as on Instagram.
I have an art-specific Instagram now! Follow me at @momokarinyoart
Examples of stickers that I sell or plan to sell! They may even become acrylic keychains too, stay tuned!
Some of my art is purely a labor of love, but I do plan to create some collections that will be for sale in the form of prints, stickers, and even keychains! Maybe one day I'll even make the venture into enamel pins, oooooo! I do also sell some of my design work on Society 6, a "print on demand" site that is similar to Red Bubble. I have lots of coordinating original designs that look great as throw pillows, blankets, curtains, and even wallpaper! Yes, I've actually had my own art turned into wallpaper, and I LOVED IT! Maybe you will too!

One of my upcoming projects that I plan to do is a series of chibi-style set of characters from my favorite shows and beyond. Chobits and Sailor Moon (of course) will be my first big series, but some other series I'm looking at doing include Vocaloid, RWBY, Rosario Vampire, Naruto, Lucky Star, She-Ra, and more! I may even consider doing a crowdfunding campaign for one of the larger series, like Sailor Moon, to be able to initiate a full launch of several different characters in various types of products.
Previews of the Chobits "Stardust Chibis" Series, intended to be made into stickers and acrylic keychains
Anyways, as those ambitions become more clear, I'll be sure to update you in another blog. Until then, I'll be preparing for Tekko 2022, where I will be appearing as a cosplay guest, and judging the masquerade! I'm planning to debut my Moka Akashiya dress, based on the third novel's cover art. Full cosplay lineup will be posted soon! After that, I next hope to attend FAN EXPO Canada, SabotenCon in Phoenix, and the Disney D23 Expo in Anaheim. I'm very excited to finish summer con season off with a bang, and then I'm going to double down on art and patterns again.
Until next time, stay sweet, my lovelies! <3